What is The Breakthrough?
The Breakthrough exists to serve people from all different backgrounds, ages, and churches to come together to experience the presence of God breakthrough in their lives. We exist so that everyone, both close and far from God, may experience the restoration of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.

What is The Vision of The Breakthrough?
Our vision is to see the Spirit of God break down, penetrate, and eradicate the issues that face this culture. We exist to bring others into a life with Christ. 

What is at the core of The Breakthrough?
At the core of The Breakthrough is a commitment to real worship (John 4:23) that includes song and praise to take you into the presence of God. We believe that God moves in the midst of worship and that lives can be changed through the power that is in our worship. The Breakthrough is a night of song, praise and intercession in the form of open worship. We are dedicated to entering the presence of God without limitations. 

When did The Breakthrough start?
The Breakthrough started in April of 2010, when a group of passionate Christians felt the need to reach this generation for Christ. As they looked around, they realized the need for a breakthrough in the lives of this culture. We are deeply rooted in seeking God's presence to change us, this generation, this city and nation. 


The Breakthrough is an extension of RDAV Church in Chicago headed by Pastor Luis A. Ruiz. For more info on RDAV Church visit  riosdeaguavivachicago.com